Chill Pill App

An app for stressed and anxious students to unwind and take care of their mental well-being.



When I started on this project, there was a LOT going on in the world. The pandemic was destroying lives, riots were happening in the streets, and wildfires were sweeping through homes. These major world events were critically impacting students, who had to deal with schools closing down and a dramatic shift to online learning, all dealing with their busy schedules. Both from students I knew personally to students all over the world on social media, it was evident that everyone was having an extremely hard time coping with all their anxiety and stress. I asked myself - How might I help busy students relieve stress and anxiety to improve their mental and physical selves? As a result, I designed an organized, quick-to-use mobile app that promotes healthier mental and physical living. Users will experience an increased quality of life by utilizing this stress/anxiety-relieving platform!


Ripplink: Product Design
